Statement of intent




How do you intend to use the four areas of the media theoretical framework [media language, institutional conventions, audience appeal and a range of social representations] to communicate meaning and meet the requirements of your chosen brief? (approx. 400 words)


Product 1 – magazine


I have chosen brief 3 of magazine and online. I am going to produce two magazine front covers and two contents pages of a new current affairs magazine that is being launched by Dennis and two pages for the working website for the magazine, to suit the target audience of a 16- 25 middle to up market socially conscious demographic, I will make it suitable for retail distribution.  I will use a least four different main images, using original photography. I will use multiple different models from a range of social groups including different ethnicities and sexualities. I will name my magazine Muse Magazine and will create a bold and colourful masthead and logo to ensure it is eye-catching and engaging to the target market. I will use a variety of cover lines using different typography and size to make each stand out, and example of my cover line will include " Coronavirus: Animals in zoos 'lonely' without visitors" which will interest my target audience. I will use a different mise en scene for each cover.  My October edition of the magazine will be set outside using bright colours, almost neon. For my second front cover, in hopes to almost contrast the first, I will use an inside setting using different coloured filters to give the magazine a young vibrant tone, I will choose appropriate clothing for all models.


Product 2 – website


For Muse Magazine’s website I will use a gallery of images using a variety of people to promote my magazine and the brand identity for a playful audience. On my website I will use Oswald- Extra light font for my picture captions and titles. I will use the same typography and effects used in the masthead of the magazines for my website title and logo. I will keep the colour scheme of the website vibrant with pastel pinks, white and black. I will also have a menu bar displaying the main sections of the magazine, including news: UK and world, family and education, culture and sports. My linked page will be an article on mental health in young people, which will include a range of pictures. This page will also include audio-visual content, with previews of further articles.



How do you intend to link your media products to demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of the digitally convergent nature of your media production? (approx. 100 words)


In order to make the most of the digitally convergent nature of my production, I will do the following: I will include a call to action on both front covers to encourage readers to view the website. I will include social media links on the homepage of my website to platforms including Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Snapchat and YouTube. On my homepage, I will also include scans of the two-magazine front covers to encourage the readers to buy the magazine. The models featured in the magazine front covers and contents pages also feature in a range of original images on the website. My website menu bar will feature the different sections of the magazine: news: UK and world, culture, family and education, sports, entertainment and arts and long reads.  There will be a link on the website home page to enable readers to subscribe to the magazine.



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