Task 5

Write a treatment for your magazine and website. A treatment is your pitch for the magazine, with a suggestion of what your 'concept' might be. It needs to be clear, workable and realistic in what you aim to do. If your idea is too elaborate, more can go wrong and you'll only be disappointed!

Present your treatment and get feedback on this from teachers and fellow students and then review it in the light of their comments.

You are making the first two editions of a new current affairs magazine that is being launched by Dennis and two pages for the working website for the magazine. You have a cross-media production target audience: A socially-conscious, 16–25, middle to upmarket demographic

- Power point/ video making it

Treatment: imagine Mrs W and other students are the director of Dennis Publishing and you want them to fund your magazine.

-Brutally honest
- about movements
- very relevate to everyone
-socially honest audience - biodegradiable paper - like confettie that can turn into plants
- middle- to upmarket audience - willing to pay for good quality or a trendy brand
- like a weekly or monthy - exposing brands or people (like big companies or people that are dodgy

Thank you for allowing me to share my ideas on what a current affairs magazine might be, and why mine should have your support.

So what is a current affairs magazine and what needs to be in and apart of it


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