Task 2
TASK 2: MAGAZINES: Research two or three current affairs magazines,
including The Week and two others of your choice, preferable aimed at
younger people. Make a short description of each, including how long
they have been running, their social media profiles, types of articles
they publish.
The Week
http://ads.theweek.com/wp-content/uploads/The-Week-Media-Kit-20201.pdf - the week press kit
British publication was founded in 1995 and the American edition started in 2001; an Australian edition was published between 2008 and 2012.
Total circulation (2016) --> 206,251 (UK) 578,163 (US)
The week junior
- https://theweekjunior.co.uk/subscriptions?ppcad=true&gclid=CjwKCAjwguzzBRBiEiwAgU0FT1Gttv3dVGneIPnRPDtSnnm6NIrviUwNrH5kEfSFauuzBhwoY2eNvxoCoacQAvD_BwE
A children's edition, The Week Junior, has been published in the UK since 2015.
The Econimist
Founded in 1843, The Economist was first circulated by James Wilson to muster support for abolishing the British Corn Laws (1815–46), a system of import tariffs.
- less cluttered
- focued on the news, not entertainment
- clear and streamlines to present the news fast
https://www.facebook.com/TheEconomist/ - @TheEconimist
https://www.instagram.com/theeconomist/ -@theeconimist
https://twitter.com/theeconomist - @TheEconimist
https://www.linkedin.com/authwall?trk=gf&trkInfo=AQHekvMAK4EScQAAAXEb0Z_Y24HMDtkd9TGg8Q4t9qRPw4CB0ShBc5Q91O06LxdJiQRE1l-TFF4Dej6SIBq3dDbfdOPtCGJR-75f_zwzrYXbJqbsKU4d2TzlylfqL_hqsLc4iMc=&originalReferer=https://www.economist.com/&sessionRedirect=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.linkedin.com%2Fcompany%2Fthe-economist - @
https://www.youtube.com/user/economistmagazine - The Econimist
https://www.economist.com/rss -
The Week
http://ads.theweek.com/wp-content/uploads/The-Week-Media-Kit-20201.pdf - the week press kit
British publication was founded in 1995 and the American edition started in 2001; an Australian edition was published between 2008 and 2012.
Total circulation (2016) --> 206,251 (UK) 578,163 (US)
The week junior
- https://theweekjunior.co.uk/subscriptions?ppcad=true&gclid=CjwKCAjwguzzBRBiEiwAgU0FT1Gttv3dVGneIPnRPDtSnnm6NIrviUwNrH5kEfSFauuzBhwoY2eNvxoCoacQAvD_BwE
A children's edition, The Week Junior, has been published in the UK since 2015.
The Econimist
Founded in 1843, The Economist was first circulated by James Wilson to muster support for abolishing the British Corn Laws (1815–46), a system of import tariffs.
- less cluttered
- focued on the news, not entertainment
- clear and streamlines to present the news fast
https://www.facebook.com/TheEconomist/ - @TheEconimist
https://www.instagram.com/theeconomist/ -@theeconimist
https://twitter.com/theeconomist - @TheEconimist
https://www.linkedin.com/authwall?trk=gf&trkInfo=AQHekvMAK4EScQAAAXEb0Z_Y24HMDtkd9TGg8Q4t9qRPw4CB0ShBc5Q91O06LxdJiQRE1l-TFF4Dej6SIBq3dDbfdOPtCGJR-75f_zwzrYXbJqbsKU4d2TzlylfqL_hqsLc4iMc=&originalReferer=https://www.economist.com/&sessionRedirect=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.linkedin.com%2Fcompany%2Fthe-economist - @
https://www.youtube.com/user/economistmagazine - The Econimist
https://www.economist.com/rss -
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