Note to moderator
Dear Moderator, my name is Francesca Western – Kaye Candidate No.1925, and welcome to my A Level Media Studies blog. This is a record of the work I have undertaken for the Making Media (Component 03/04) non-examined assessment (NEA) within the OCR H409 GCE A Level course in Media Studies. I worked independently on Brief 3: magazine and online to produce one front cover and the contents page(s) of the first two editions of a new current affairs magazine that is being launched by Dennis and two pages for the working website for the magazine. My magazine is aimed at a socially-conscious, 16–25, middle to upmarket demographic Below you will find evidence of my research and planning for this task, including: * my research into professionally produced magazines and magazine websites that are similar in genre, style and form to those proposed in my chosen production brief. This includes: * My deconstruction, analysis and notes on these professionally produced ma...